Leak Adjustments
- Once the repair is fixed, file out a leak adjustment form. LEAK ADJUSTMENT PACKET.
- The water leak adjustment form along with the receipt of repairs should be turned into the water department. Receipts are required, the form will automatically be denied without a receipt.
- When the reading of the meter the month after the bill(s) in question reflects that the usage has returned to normal, an authorized water department employee may adjust an average usage up to (3) months for the charges of water, sewer collection, and sewer treatment.
- This adjustment will be applied to the first 3 months of high usage, if applicable.
- The average usage will be based on the previous six months of normal usage, or period of same month’s comparison.
- Request may be denied if prior year average for the same month/period are of the same pattern or usage hasn’t returned to normal.
Terms & Conditions
- The maximum limit to the number of adjustments for leak repairs is (2) per calendar year. No more than (3) months on any one leak incident will be adjusted.
- Once a leak adjustment is filed, an average for that bill(s) must be paid. All current bills must be paid in full until the leak adjustment is decisioned.
- The adjustment can take 1-3 months for processing.
- Once decisioned, you have (3) days to pay the account in full.
Pool Adjustments
- Once the pool is filled, an adjustment form can be filled out. Swimming Pool Adjustment Packet .
- The pool adjustment form is turned into the water department indicating the date the pool was filled.
Terms & Conditions
- An adjustment may be made to charges for sewer collection and sewer treatment based on the average usage for the bill in which the pool was filled. Only (1) bill.
- There are no adjustments for pools filled with a yard meter.
- The average usage is based on the previous (6) months of normal usage.
- Only one adjustment per calendar year will be permitted.
- Once the pool adjustment is filed, an average for that bill must be paid. All current bills must be paid in full until the pool adjustment is decisioned.
- Once decisioned, you have (3) days to pay the account in full.
- Adjustments may take 1-3 months for processing.
Unexplained high usage/One-time adjustments
- When a customer has an isolated incident of high usage (going up one month and then returning to normal) and has no explanation or reason for the jump in usage. Prior year usage for same time frame will be reviewed to determine a decision.
- Only one such adjustment per calendar year will be given. (Note: If this occurs more than once a year, there is possibly a recurring leak, which can be addressed as stated above when it is fixed).
- Forms are available in office only.